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The best methods of lumbar disc treatment

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The best methods of lumbar disc treatment

Lumbar disc or herniated disc is one of the most common spine problems that can lead to pain and limited movement. Fortunately, there are various ways to treat this problem, ranging from conservative methods to surgery, depending on the severity and duration of symptoms. In the following, we will explain the best methods of lumbar disc treatment.

Non-surgical treatments

Most patients with lumbar disc herniation recover using non-surgical methods. These methods include the following:


  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): These drugs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, can help reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Painkillers: In case of severe pain, the doctor may prescribe stronger painkillers.
  • Muscle relaxants: To reduce muscle spasms, the use of these drugs may be effective.
  • Corticosteroids: In cases where pain is severe and persistent, corticosteroid injections can reduce inflammation and pain.


  • Physical therapy can help strengthen back muscles and improve flexibility. Various exercises and techniques are designed to reduce pressure on the discs and improve motion.

Alternative methods:

  • Acupuncture: This method can help reduce pain and inflammation by stimulating the nerves.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): For managing chronic pain and improving quality of life, this method can be helpful.
  • Dietary supplements: Some supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids and glucosamine, may help reduce inflammation and pain.

To know the most common symptoms of lumbar disc, you should see a doctor when you see these symptoms

click here


در صورتی که روش‌های غیرجراحی بهبود کافی نداشته باشند و علائم بیمار به شدت ادامه یابد، ممکن است جراحی مورد نیاز باشد. انواع جراحی‌ها شامل موارد زیر است:


  • این جراحی برای برداشتن قسمت کوچکی از دیسک که به عصب فشار می‌آورد، انجام می‌شود. این روش کم‌تهاجمی است و نتایج خوبی دارد.

Cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF):

  • This surgery is used to remove the damaged disc and fuse the vertebrae to maintain the stability of the spine.

Artificial disc replacement:

  • In some cases, the damaged disc is replaced with an artificial disc that maintains the normal movement of the vertebrae.

General recommendations

In addition to the above treatment methods, some lifestyle changes can also help improve lumbar disc symptoms:

  • Adequate rest: Adequate rest and avoiding strenuous activities can help reduce pain.
  • Warming and cooling: Using a cold or warm compress can help reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Gentle physical activity: Light exercise such as walking and swimming can help improve movement and reduce pain.


دیسک کمر می‌تواند باعث درد شدید و مشکلات حرکتی شود، اما خوشبختانه روش‌های مختلفی برای درمان این مشکل وجود دارد. از درمان‌های غیرجراحی مانند داروها، فیزیوتراپی و روش‌های جایگزین تا جراحی‌های مختلف، هر کدام می‌توانند بسته به شرایط و نیاز بیمار موثر باشند. انتخاب روش مناسب درمان نیازمند مشاوره با پزشک متخصص است تا بر اساس وضعیت خاص بیمار، بهترین روش انتخاب شود. تغییرات سبک زندگی نیز نقش مهمی در بهبود علائم و پیشگیری از عود مجدد دارند.

You can use the following resources to get more information about the best treatment methods for lumbar disc.

Mayo Clinic

WebMD website

Lumbar disc treatment methods

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